Antiferromagnetic Nanoscale Bit Arrays of Magnetoelectric Cr2O3 Thin Films

Magnetism of oxide antiferromagnets (AFMs) has been studied in single crystals and extended thin films. The properties of AFM nanostructures still remain underexplored. Here, we report on the fabrication and magnetic imaging of granular 100 nm-thick magnetoelectric Cr2O3 films patterned in circular bits with diameters ranging from 500 down to…

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Domain Wall Automotion by Cross Section Tailoring in Ferromagnetic Nanostripes

Curvilinear magnetism of nanostripes is a prospective playground both for fundamental research and numerous applications. By tailoring geometrical properties of the ferromagnetic stripes and wires there appear new possibilities to control its magnetic properties such as the dynamics of the domain walls. Deterministic fast motion of the domain walls is…

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Interaction of Domain Walls with Grain Boundaries in Uniaxial Insulating Antiferromagnets

A search for high-speed and low-energy memory devices puts antiferromagnetic thin films at the forefront of spintronic research. Here, we develop a material model of a granular antiferromagnetic thin film with uniaxial anisotropy and provide fundamental insight into the interaction of antiferromagnetic domain walls with grain boundaries. This model is…

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Control of magnetic response in curved stripes by tailoring the cross section

Curved magnetic architectures are key enablers of prospective magnetic devices with respect to size, functionality, and speed. By exploring geometry-governed magnetic interactions, curvilinear magnetism offers a number of intriguing effects in curved magnetic wires and curved magnetic films. The applicability of the current micromagnetic theory requires that the sample has…

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Chirality coupling in topological magnetic textures with multiple magnetochiral parameters

Chiral effects originate from the lack of inversion symmetry within the lattice unit cell or sample’s shape. Being mapped onto magnetic ordering, chirality enables topologically non-trivial textures with a given handedness. Here, we demonstrate the existence of a static 3D texture characterized by two magnetochiral parameters being magnetic helicity of…

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Curvilinear Micromagnetism: From Fundamentals to Applications

This book covers the theory of curvilinear micromagnetism as well as experimental study of curved magnets including both fabrication and characterization About: Zach Evenson “Magnetism Ahead of the Curve” Publication: Curvilinear Micromagnetism From Fundamentals to Applications, Denys Makarov, Denis D. Sheka (Editors), Part of the book series: Topics in Applied…

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Field-induced spin reorientation transitions in antiferromagnetic ring-shaped spin chains

Easy axis antiferromagnets are robust against external magnetic fields of moderate strength. Spin reorientations in strong fields can provide insight into more subtle properties of antiferromagnetic materials, which are often hidden by their high ground-state symmetry. Here, we investigate theoretically effects of curvature in ring-shaped antiferromagnetic achiral anisotropic spin chains…

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Circular stripe domains

Vertically stacked exchange coupled magnetic heterostructures of cylindrical geometry can host complex noncolinear magnetization patterns. By tuning the interlayer exchange coupling between a layer accommodating magnetic vortex state and an out-of-plane magnetized layer, one can efficiently realize new topological chiral textures such as cone state vortices and circular stripe domains.…

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Defect Nanostructure and its Impact on Magnetism of α-Cr2O3 Thin Films

Thin films of the magnetoelectric insulator α-Cr2O3 are technologically relevant for energy-efficient magnetic memory devices controlled by electric fields. In contrast to single crystals, the quality of thin Cr2O3 films is usually compromised by the presence of point defects and their agglomerations at grain boundaries, putting into question their application…

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Fundamentals of curvilinear ferromagnetism: Statics and dynamics of geometrically curved wires and narrow ribbons

Low-dimensional magnetic architectures including wires and thin films are key enablers of prospective ultrafast and energy efficient memory, logic, and sensor devices relying on spin-orbitronic and magnonic concepts. Curvilinear magnetism emerged as a novel approach in material science, which allows tailoring of the fundamental anisotropic and chiral responses relying on…

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