Initial magnetization distribution

The initial magnetization distribution is defined via init command. It takes the next values:

  • isotropic — isotropic ferromagnetic distribution along given axis, see Sx, Sy Sz below;
  • isotropic_afm — the same as isotropic, but builds antiferromagnetic order along given axis;
  • OPV_at_center — outer-of-plane vortex (\phi = \chi + \phi_0) in the XY plane center, see xvor, yvor, spinPhase, polarity;
  • IPV_at_center — in-plane vortex in the XY plane center, see xvor, yvor, spinPhase, polarity;
  • OPAV_at_center — outer-of-plane antivortex (\phi = -\chi + \phi_0) in the XY plane center, see xvor, yvor, spinPhase, polarity;
  • random — random distribution (by the C rand() and srand(time()) functions);
  • by_file — loading from file, see initFile.

The direction of isotropic ferro- and antiferromagnetic distributions is given by vector with float coordinates Sx, Sy and Sz. They can be positive or negative.

Vortex and antivortex can be shifted as rigid ones from the origin by commands xvor and yvor (default values equal 0). The upward or downward polarity is setted up by the value of polarity variable 1 (default) or -1. The chirality in π units is setted up by spinPhase variable. For example, the π/2 chirality is defined via spinPhase = 0.5.

The string initFile variable defines the path to initialization file for the by_file value of the init variable. The structure of the initialization file is the same as output file with magnetization data, see the Output data format section.

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