
Full input file

The next code loads geometry description from file sample.geom which is ouside current folder. Sample is inscribed into the mesh with size 20x20x5 nodes (parameters a, b and h). Initial distribution is outer-of-plane vortex (OPV_at_center) in center of the sample. String «init = random» is commented.

system = Norm
geometry = file
geomFile = "../sample.geom"
h = 5
a0 = 1.0
demag = 0.003
g = 2.0
J0 = 1.0
Jx = 0.0
Jy = 0.0
Jz = 0.0
damping = 0.5
#init = random
init = OPV_at_center
spinPhase = 0.5
fieldZ = select t > -1.0 lin -0.0050776 z 0.0939356 0.0
fieldY = select t > -1.0 lin 0.5 y 0 5.0
timeStep = 1.0
snapshotCount = 300
intStepCount = 40
tolerance = 1e-2
volumeModel = 3D
xvor = 10.5
yvor = 10.5

Command line features

Continue task with parameters file observe inp with writting snapshots into the observe.slsXXXX and snapshot information to observe.log (without eraseing previous data in log file):

mpirun -np 2 slasi observe.inp -n --no-verbose\
 --no-first -o observe -C observe.log -N 200 -T 400

Here snapshots will start from observe.sls0200 and from time T=400.

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